Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9HQT245 from Virginia disagreed…5mos5MO

People need to be held accountable for bullying and hate speech, but people also need to be stronger to stand up to others and not let everything under the sun bother them

 @9HPD6R9Independent from Delaware disagreed…6mos6MO

Students don't need trigger warnings or safe spaces because the real world won't have safe spaces or warnings. When they are in the real world and something bothers them, they won't know what to do.

 @9GKJV32Libertarian from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

while the position against trigger warnings and safe spaces often highlights concerns about stifling free speech or coddling students, the counter-argument emphasizes the importance of empathy, inclusivity, mental health, and fostering an environment where all students can engage with challenging material constructively. It's about creating a balance that allows for the free exchange of ideas while considering the diverse needs and experiences of the student body.


Free Speech is a constitutional right, therefore, there shouldn't be places restricting such speech.


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