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168 Replies

 @9G2NRCJ  from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

It should be treated as both. While they are victims, drug abusers are also criminals who engage in illegal transactions. The same goes for other illegal possessions such as unregistered firearms.

 @9FNKH34  from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

Drug abuse should be treated as a health issue if and only if no one was harmed mentally or physically.

 @9G4TKWZ from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Most of the time being put in jail is not going to fix someone's drug issue. They need to have court-mandated rehab, but not be put way because of it.

 @9FZDQJFPeace and Freedom from California disagreed…8mos8MO

While drug abuse is a health issue it is also a choice made by the user. This drug abuse is an addiction that can be stopped but is chosen not to. There are already plenty of actions in place for former drug abusers to go and get help, its their choice to go and stay.

 @9FSSLPC from Rhode Island disagreed…8mos8MO

Although drug abuse should be treated as a health issue, it causes others to encourage the usage of drugs and lower funding for rehab centers.

 @9G3YFCYPeace and Freedom from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Do not let people do unsafe drugs they should be dealt with not as a criminal but as a health and safety cause, and provide therapy for the said Drug abuser

 @9MPMQM7 from California disagreed…2wks2W

While it is indeed a health issue, the person abusing the drugs ultimately did break the law, and thus must be punished accordingly.

 @8TR87H7Republican  from Ohio disagreed…3wks3W

It is a health issue for sure, however the best way to treat this health issue is help the individuals become sober, not regulate the use of otherwise illegal drugs.

 @9LXST6S from Oklahoma disagreed…1mo1MO

I believe drug addiction is a choice you start using drugs you know the risk and its your fault especially illegal drugs you deserve to be put away and even if it isn’t reforming you it is removing you from drug situations and that’s enough

 @9LWPS2V  from Virginia disagreed…1mo1MO

Treating it as a health issue solely assumes that there isn't a net negative affect on society as a whole. Both the health of the individual and the degratory affects their actions have on those around them have to be taken into account and dealt with accordingly through rehabilitation and incarceration for repeat offenders.

 @9JJF6HY from California disagreed…4mos4MO

I think that drug abuse is a serious health issue not only physically, but mentally, therefore it should be dealt with rehabilitation instead of criminal time.


Challenge by criminal supreme by King Charles the thirds of UK's blessing culture religious who's needs lessons and mental health for adults and children's donation leads wave government talk with prime minister Chris luxon and oppition leaders independent NZ first Winston's Peters forgotten I help use high alert criminal in new Zealand and Israel with basics lossers and winners presidental debates stop fruad over harm sexual crime and violence eye look camera 24/7 operations spy's light

 @9H5BCLJ from Indiana disagreed…6mos6MO

Drug abuse is still bad no matter the situation taking the drugs can cure whatever they have but then they can become addicted to drugs and that could harm them even more

 @9GJQ3ZZ from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

Drug use should be treated as a health issue because if someone is on drugs it could be hard for them to quit right away. Also if they feel like there are being treated like a criminal they will feel like a criminal even though they fell into the wrong croud.


drugs are illegal and they kill people, it should never be dealt with lightly and should never be treated has just a health care issue. drugs are dangerous and they ruin peoples lives and families. nothing good ever comes from drugs.

 @9GC888M from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

It should be treated as a health issue and criminal issue, but receive less jail time and focus more on the recuperation of the addict.

 @9G94WDL from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Drug Abuse should be considered a criminal issue, because every human being is well aware what they are taking, or doing.

 @9GZ8R4P from South Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

because i feel like it only becomes an addiction from trying it in the first place it is different if the substance is perscribed to the person and then become addicted to it but if they take it from another person that is a crime

 @9GWDQTQ from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Drug abuse should be treated as a health issue, but there should not be Safe Havens for drugs because that would lead to lawlessness.

 @9FQXTKD from Oklahoma agreed…8mos8MO

Did you know that 1/3rd of those diagnosed with clinical depression are likely to engage in drug abuse causes they get the counseling or proper treatment? That is a health crisis cause it's a way to self treat symptoms and not feel alone thats astonishing, and we should treat this with the upmost care


People who abuse drugs often have a choice in doing so, no matter their circumstances. I don't think they should automatically be seen as a criminal, but suspect that they could.


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