Try the political quiz

42 Replies

 @9H548XJ from Nevada agreed…6mos6MO

This statement is actually a bit misleading out of context, my view is that children should refrain from gender-reassignment surgery until they're over the age of 18 and are sure of their choice. From personal experience, I went on hormone therapy when I was 16, I am now 18 and have zero regrets, though if I found that I did have any regrets, something as permanent as gender-reassignment surgery is much more difficult to come back from if you find that it's not for you. So, if one has been on hormone therapy for an extended period of time, and had lived as the gender they identified as, reassignment surgery is a highly valid option to fully transition if that's what the individual desires.

 @9HGW5LH from Texas agreed…6mos6MO

if one has been on hormone therapy for an extended period of time, and had lived as the gender they identified as, reassignment surgery is a highly valid option to fully transition if that's what the individual desires.

I think that given that a minor has been on HRT for a good while and still wants to get reassignment surgery they shouldn't be stopped. WPATH actually agrees now, yay!

 @9GRLJJWfrom Guam agreed…7mos7MO

Gender dysphoria is recognized by both the American Psychiatric Association and World Health Organization and the recommended treatment to this disorder, which is typically associated with anxiety and depression, is gender-affirming care such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy.

 @9LQ3WXX from Indiana agreed…1mo1MO

There's a large amount of young transgender people who harm themselves because of intense body dysphoria. Allowing them to take puberty blockers and hormone therapy could help reduce the numbers and don't do anything permanent to the person who takes them.

 @9LZ2DWTTranshumanist  from Arizona agreed…1mo1MO

There are far more people who commit suicide from having to live in the wrong gendered body than for trans people who regret their decision. The ones that do regret their decision and go back to their sex assigned at birth usually did so for external reasons and are more depressed about changing back. The number of these individuals are rare, even among the Trans community. The vast majority who are allowed to change to match the gender their brain shows them to be, are happy with this change. All insurance policies should cover this surgery, as it is not cosmetic, it is life affirming.

 @9FLLL9TRepublican from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

Hormone therapy during when the body should be going through puberty can drastically change the effects of puberty and negate some of them entirely.


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