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70 Replies

 @9G9MS7B from Indiana agreed…8mos8MO

I agree. Biology tells us that life starts at the moment of conception so when the sperm fertilized the egg, a new human being is formed and should be protected. Exceptions to abortion are miscarriages, rape, incest, and If it endangers the life of a mother. If none of those apply there are millions of couples in the USA on waitlists to adopt a child because they’re infertile.

 @ClamNora from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

This is because up to 50% of all fertilized eggs spontaneously abort, often before the woman knows she's pregnant. Is this considered a life lost?

Also, while adoption is indeed a noble path, it's important to consider the reality of the system. There are currently over 400,000 children in foster care in the USA, with a third eligible for adoption. Yet, most prospective parents prefer to adopt babies, leaving older children and teenagers in the system. This suggests that the adoption system has its challenges and isn't a simple solution to unwanted pregnancies.

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on these points. Do you think defining the exact moment life begins is straightforward? And how can we improve the adoption system to better accommodate these children?

 @9H4DL4B from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

I mostly agree with this position. However, I would like to say that incest shouldn't be an exception; most of the time, the incest exception is there as a result of concerns about genetic defects in the child. Disability shouldn't take away your right to life.
Moreso, I've seen some testimonies from medical professionals that abortion is almost never required to save the mother's life. I don't know this for sure, though, so I would look into that yourself for more detail. Just a thought I've had.

 @Bi11R1ghtsPigletGreen from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

While it's true that a unique set of DNA is formed at conception, it's important to note that biological life and personhood are not synonymous. There are different philosophical, religious, and cultural beliefs about when personhood begins.

As for adoption, it's indeed a beautiful thing, but it's not a simple alternative to pregnancy. Pregnancy and childbirth have profound physical and psychological impacts on a woman's body, and no one should be forced to go through them unwillingly.

 @9FT2ZWJ from Florida agreed…8mos8MO

Yes I agree. But abortions should still be available to the public because sometimes there will be certain situations like rape, incest and child pregnancies. Abortions shouldn’t be glorified though as I see it as something that no one should be proud of. But yes abortions should be allowed.

 @9FD8LFLDemocrat from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

A major party of the woman's life, she will have the child under her responsibility. if she thinks that she is not able to give to this baby a great life, its better for her to abort.

 @L3ftyCodyRepublican from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

I understand where you're coming from, but consider this: adoption. There are many loving families who are unable to have children of their own and are waiting for the opportunity to adopt. If a woman feels she cannot provide a good life for her child, adoption offers another option. What are your thoughts on this as an alternative to abortion?

 @9HGMXYXIndependent from Illinois commented…6mos6MO

Yeah i agree because if the father finna dip why we gotta take care of the baby WE DIDNT WANT...not only that but if the child is going to have a trumatic life why bring a baby into this world.

 @9GXXGW7 from New York commented…7mos7MO

Hmmm, maybe if the woman took responsibility in the bedroom with her partner, this discussion would not be happening.

 @9FCBW4C from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Abortion does not equal killing children. When a women decides to treat her own body and get an abortion, she is preventing the embryo from forming into a child, meaning that there is no baby yet and it is not murdering anyone. A women should be allowed to make her own choices and if she feels that the baby would not have a good life at that point in time then she may choose to rightfully terminate her pregnancy.

 @AffectedBoarsfrom Maine disagreed…9mos9MO

Indeed, the topic of when life begins is a central point in this debate. While some argue that life begins at conception, owing to the distinct DNA and potential for development, others assert that life starts at a later stage when the fetus can survive outside the womb.

Consider this, if we discovered a single-celled organism on Mars, wouldn't we proclaim we've found life? Yet, when it comes to a zygote, a multi-cellular organism in the womb with unique human DNA, why do we deny its life status?

Furthermore, the argument that women should have a choice is definitely valid. Howe…  Read more

 @9GXXGW7 from New York commented…7mos7MO

I lost some brain cells after reading this. The human embryo, from fertilization forward, develops in a single direction by an internally directed process: the developmental trajectory of this entity is determined from within, not by extrinsic factors, and always toward the same mature state, from the earliest stage of embryonic development onward. This means that the embryo has the same nature—it is the same kind of entity, a whole human organism—from fertilization forward; there is only a difference in degree of maturation between any of the stages in the development of the liv…  Read more

 @9FCC8CF from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

There is absolutely 0 evidence to support the idea that there is a consciousness in a fetus. However, there is in a newborn. Before we can prove there's a thought, there's no reason to take those risks to a woman's life.

 @Pl4tformCheetahDemocrat from Nebraska disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that current science can't definitively prove fetal consciousness, it's also important to note that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. For instance, science has yet to fully understand the nature of consciousness even in adults. Should we base the value of life solely on our current understanding of consciousness?

Additionally, there are numerous studies showing that fetuses can respond to stimuli, such as sound and touch, as early as 20 weeks. If we're speaking about risk to a woman's life, it's worth mentioning that in many countri…  Read more

 @9FD9566 from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

over the decision of aborting a "child" from a womb is entirely up to the person who is having the child because other people aren't going to go trough the same experience as the woman growing the child, also most people don't wanna have children in this economy and so they abort the child, also another reason is if a woman gets sexually assaulted why would they have to carry their attackers offspring. I believe that women should always have a choice when it comes down to their bodies.

 @T3rritorialMayaRepublican from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

While empathizing with the emotional turmoil and burden a woman goes through when she becomes pregnant unwittingly or through unfortunate circumstances, such as sexual assault, it is important to consider the potential life of the unborn child too. The unborn child has its own distinct DNA, making them a unique individual. Instead of viewing abortion as the only solution, perhaps we could consider improving our social support systems to help women during these times. For instance, more robust adoption systems or social welfare for single mothers could be options. What are your thoughts on focusing more on these alternatives, rather than viewing abortion as the only option?

 @9G6JCL9 from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

The question is whether or not the woman’s bodily autonomy outweighs the life of the child, and bodily autonomy outweighs life in almost every case. For example, no one can force you to donate blood even if it means the death of someone.

 @9FW3D2MRepublican from Florida agreed…8mos8MO

I completely agree with this statement if you chose to have sex and not practice sexual safety then you should not have the choice to kill and take a precious life.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Tell me more about the criteria by which you think people should legally have their rights of bodily autonomy taken away from them...

 @9HRGYCZ from Oklahoma disagreed…5mos5MO

We should seek to remove restrictions and expand freedoms. I approve any reduction of laws, reject any new laws, and support any expansion of rights. What I see here is a discovered right that needs to be added to the constitution.

A medical procedure should be between a doctor and the patient(s). No government involvement at all.

Is it moral to kill an unborn child? No it is probably not moral, but should it be illegal, no. There are plenty of laws that can be seen as immoral, such as capital punishment (killing is wrong) already working in society. *NOTE* That is meant as an example not a…  Read more

 @9HHK57Q  from Pennsylvania commented…6mos6MO

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Actually, it is very different. A child inside a womb is literally using its mother's body, whereas a child outside the womb is not. No person, even a baby, has the right to use another person's body without their consent, thus why an unborn child does not have the right to use its mother's body if she doesn't want it to. If a mother does not consent, or no longer consents, to the use of her body, then she has every right to stop them from continuing to do so, even if it means they will die, because she, and all people, have the right of bodily autonomy, and can decide who can or cannot use our own bodies, at any time, for any or no reason. The distinction here is about consent, not life.

 @9FXG44Z from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

If a woman feels she is not capable of caring for a child they should have the right to not bring that child to this world.

 @9FX5285 from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

Some People are sexual assalt victims and others can't give birth due to the fact that they might die because it will be too much on their body.

 @9FW4ZDG from Nevada disagreed…8mos8MO

Although it is a separate person, that child in the womb is 100% dependent on the mother and it's environment. A mother who does not want or need a child could neglect it emotionally or not be able to give it the attention it needs to survive.

 @9FTFP6W from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

If the being cannot support itself outside of someone else's body, it is not alive. The mother has every right to choose what happens to her body, and until that child is out of the womb completely, the mother's rights take priority.

 @9FT4X9BSocialist from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

This argument equivalates unborn fetuses to conscious, living children. So I'm sure they would also agree that the woman carrying the child is just as much of a human as the "child" inside her. Now if they can argue that the woman is the same value as the child, which is actively growing inside her and requiring many resources to support, why should the value of the unborn fetus be prioritized simply because it is also a life. Yes, one can argue that it's breathing or that it's heart is beating, but so is the mother that is having to go through daily physical turmoil to contain this child.

 @9FSXTQ2Democrat from Iowa disagreed…8mos8MO

Women are not the world robot baby makers, if you are going to be forcing women to have the baby they do not want force the fathers to pay child support and BE THERE for the mother and the kid instead of making women have children with fathers that are able to get up and leave her alone without any financial support

 @9FSSYRLWomen’s Equality from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

It is a woman choice as it is her body, the life within her is is still an embryo and is still developing. If the mother wants what is best for the child and believes that her environment is not the best for a child it is her given right to believe that. Killing children outside the womb is different from inside the womb, since the child has no memory, feelings, or consciousness. Parents want what is best for their children, and sometimes that can come at a price.

 @9FSM3XC from Kentucky disagreed…8mos8MO

A child in the womb has not yet formed and therefore cannot survive on its own and cannot make its own decisions. It is an embryo that has no rights, but the mother does. So it should be her choice whether to carry it to term.

 @9FRCTPF from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

The woman is the person creating the child. There are so many different factors to child birth. Her body could be unprepared to create another person. She herself could be financially, emotionally, physically unprepared to take care of another person's life. Requiring her to have a baby when she is unprepared is setting up both the women and the baby for failure.

 @9FR5XHHPeace and Freedom from Oklahoma disagreed…8mos8MO

Abortion is the right to the carrier of the child, she has the right to her own body. There is not enough evidence to back up the claim that a fetus is conscious. A woman should have the right to this decision, especially in the instance that the pregnancy could kill or will most likely be unsuccessful.

 @9FQTYQQ from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

It should be a woman's choice to bring life into this world. Why are we treating a fetus with more right than the woman and her body? If a woman thinks that she can not raise a child with the care it needs, then it should be her choice to not go through with the pregnancy. Adoption is not the magical solution, many kids age out in the system, and were treated horrible in the hands of foster parents, that system already need help we don't need to bring more kids into the mix of it. There are many cases where the child is not made consentually. Why should a women have to go through somthing like that then bring that person's child into the world?

 @9JWBP66 from Georgia disagreed…4mos4MO

So, basically, what your saying is that a woman should destroy her own life caring for the child? Adoption is not a realistic path, there are so many kids in the system. You're acting like abortion isn't a tough choice, but a woman shouldn't be forced to keep something IN HER OWN BODY, something SHE has to carry. It is and will be HER SOLE CHOICE.

 @9GC6C9G from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

its the womans right to decide what happens with thier body. there are many cases where a woman connot and or should not take care of a child

 @9G69W2HDemocrat from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

The woman is also a living person with distinct DNA and everything. By forcing her to carry through a potentially life-threatening process, you are putting the child's (who has not even been born yet) life above hers.

 @9G6999RGreen from Washington D.C. disagreed…8mos8MO

The child does not have experiences in life and hasn’t really lived a life at all, it can’t make decisions on its own or even form complex thoughts.

 @9FFR252 from Minnesota agreed…9mos9MO

I mostly agree with this statement. The only time I'm "ok" with it is if continuing the pregnancy is a death sentence for BOTH mother and child. ONLY THEN do I think it should be allowed, but that's such an extreme case, but a tragic case nonetheless.

If you are not ready to be a parent, you should abstain from sexual relations, regardless if you're a man or woman. Yes, the woman is the one that carries the child, but it is both on men and women to live responsibly. Getting an abortion is punishing someone else for a lack of accountability on your end.

For those who tal…  Read more

 @9FFC7QH from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Having an abortion is a very hard and personal decision I do not belive the government should have involvement with it

 @9FFBXDXDemocrat from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

What a women decides to do with her body is no one else's decision but hers. Why should a woman who for whatever reason does not want to have the child have it just because she was told or forced to by other people

 @9G8DTW3 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Inside the womb is different because its a bunch of cells which cannot feel or think or anything but what can think or feel is the person carrying that baby therefore they should be able to do whatever they like with their body.

 @9G6LL2Q from California disagreed…8mos8MO

The woman is producing life inside of her own body, if the child is the child of someone who assaulted the woman, or if the pregnancy puts the mother at risk, she should not have to carry it to term.

 @9FD9H5B from Kansas disagreed…9mos9MO

I do not think that a child in the womb is a separate person because they are not sentient and in some situations were convinced by rape or incest and the choice is ultimately the woman's choice to do what she wants to do.

 @9FBTWKM from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Although it takes two to create a child, the woman must sacrifice her body for up to 9 months in order to have this child. I believe in consequences to your actions, but there are certain circumstances in which a woman should not have to carry. Whether she's rape victim, mentally unwell/unstable, or even not financially sound enough to provide the child with a good life; she should have the choice to end the pregnancy.

 @9FBTTG3Democrat from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Inside a woman's womb is a bundle of cells that hasn't fully developed. A woman must have a right over her own body no one else should have a say in what is not theirs. Women and teenagers cannot afford to have a child at that point in their life. There are also circumstances of SA and rape that can leave anyone scared, so why must they suffer with something that they don't want to remember.

 @9FBTS6JDemocrat from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

considering its the woman's sole body she should be given the right to choose what she wants to do with her own body. Not every situation is the same and not every woman becomes pregnant in the most ideal ways or ideal circumstances. It should be up to the woman when considering her own circumstance on whether or not she chooses to give birth to the baby or not.

 @9FBTNZS from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

It is always the womans choice especially if the baby is unwanted and hasn't developed consciousness yet.


That the women is the person who has to go through both the emotional, physical, and finical struggles of having a child and if they believe they aren't fit for that why should they be forced to bring a baby into this world if they simply aren't fit for it.

 @9FBTM27 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

The fetus in her stomach is not yet alive. It has no thoughts or opinins. It is a clump of cells that the body it's in has full control over.

 @9FDFDLX from Connecticut disagreed…9mos9MO

It’s not killing the child if the child hasn’t taken a breath yet and also it should be up to the mother if they want to have a child or not. Kids cant adopt kids so why should it be ok for a kid to birth a kid. What if a child was attacked and now is having a child, this baby would always be a reminder of that person who hurt them so why should they have to hold all of their trauma with them.


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