Try the political quiz

938 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y


 @9G7ZCMC from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Property tax is important, and affects people disproportionately. Nobody likes them, but they help to pay for school and healthcare. For people who have more expensive - and higher taxed land, higher property taxes make sense.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y

Yes, but dramatically reduce government spending instead of raising taxes

 @9FRP967 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Currently most of the debt the u.s government is facing is a result of the stimulus checks from 2020-2021, reducing their spending wouldn’t do jack except stagnate whatever operations are currently running right now, in theory its seems as simple as government spends less, more money is recouped daily and can be used to solve the nations current economic struggles right? No.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y


 @9G7ZCMC from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Property taxes affect all, even the poor. For those who are renting, property tax is still put in their rent in some form or another.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y

No, but decrease tax rates for senior citizens

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y

Yes, property taxes rates do not reflect the owners ability to pay

 @9FX6NB5Women’s Equality from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

I mean it doesn’t does and doesn’t because if they are wasting their money in clothes and expensive stuff when it isn’t necessary and have all the luxury then that is showing you are responsible and have enough availability to pay for your taxes but then there’s the other side of the people who struggle even paying for daily stuff.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...10yrs10Y

No, property taxes are the most reliable and consistent form of state revenue

 @8F9BXYWConstitution from California answered…4yrs4Y

No as all taxes are theft and there should be neither sales nor a property tax

 @5J6WQ7Ffrom Hawaii answered…4yrs4Y

Cut military spending by a lot and adopt a european tax system (denmark, finland, sweden, etc.) we would be able to afford almost every financial problem by cutting military spending.

 @97FD4YR from Texas answered…2yrs2Y

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

No, restructure property taxes to rates on a sliding scale based on property value

 @984945L from Kansas answered…2yrs2Y

 @9D2WTGK from Georgia answered…10mos10MO

 @8TYH38SIndependent from Texas answered…1yr1Y

No, Decrease sales tax and property taxes. Cut state expenses and excesses in order to reduce those taxes.

 @97XWV22Independent from Louisiana answered…2yrs2Y

Taxes should be shifted across the board to reflect income levels and total invested value. Lower income housing with no or little invested value should be taxed less and those with the inverse should be taxed more.

 @97874N6 from West Virginia answered…2yrs2Y

Property taxes should scale with the valuation of properties owned. Sales tax should only be increased after alternatives involving the upper-class have been exhausted or not-feasible.

 @8H8PL8R from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

 @8HNG32CLibertarian from Louisiana answered…4yrs4Y

 @8HMXJT6 from Florida answered…4yrs4Y

You shouldn’t have to continue to pay property tax after your home is paid off

 @8HJCDXK from Colorado answered…4yrs4Y

 @9N2CM2T from North Carolina answered…6 days6D

Majority of people do not own their own property other than cars. This would put the low income as targets for increased taxation, while the rich have more than enough for sales tax. Increase sales taxes for luxury homes.

 @9F9Z26P from California answered…9mos9MO

 @9F9FY8L from Georgia answered…9mos9MO

 @9F8D4M8 from Virginia answered…9mos9MO

 @9F8SQZQ  from Texas answered…9mos9MO

No, these overtaxing on U.S. citizens needs to stop. Both should be lower as well as income tax or one of them has to go. How is it that they can tax our income that we use to pay for our taxed groceries to bring to our taxed homes when I don’t even have children that go to school.

 @9DYRT3B  from Texas answered…9mos9MO

 @9DX79WD from Kentucky answered…9mos9MO

 @9DVQC9Z from North Carolina answered…9mos9MO

 @9DSP4F8 from Vermont answered…9mos9MO

 @9DS3P8J from Missouri answered…9mos9MO

We should all just learn to share so we don't have to pay massive amounts of money.

 @9DNSK24 from Oregon answered…9mos9MO

Always increase taxes on high polluting companies and on alcohol and tobacco and sugary products.


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