Try the political quiz

2 Replies


Someone cant control when they're sick or injured therefor shouldn't have to worry about bills or life expenses.

 @9F9YKKQ from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

Sick employees should always receive paid leave so that they do not infect their coworkers. Arguably, workers are also less capable and efficient when struck by illness. Sick family members are a different matter entirely, but if it is determined that the employee in question can adequately care for a sick family member, this is probably justified despite being a more nuanced issue. Paid parental leave, meanwhile, ensures that working mothers (and fathers) are able to care for newborn babies and possibly have time to mull over whether they want to become stay-at-home parents or not. It also encourages higher birthrates, which are sorely needed to reproduce and expand our aging population — and keep Social Security viable.


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