Try the political quiz

554 Replies

 @9GHCS8F  from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Top Disagreement

Unarmed teachers are put in the impossible position of having to place themselves between the threat and their students. Without the ability to defend themselves, you are creating soft targets and more victims. Security guards cannot be everywhere at once. Arm teachers to be able to protect themselves and students until help arrives.

 @9GVVW9S from Michigan agreed…7mos7MO

By giving teachers guns, you are trusting individuals with a school full of life. Who’s to say that one teacher won’t turn around and use that gun for negative reasons? You can have parasites eating your brain and never know until you wake up in a state of rage and have no control. Why would we give anyone the chance to have that happen?

 @9GHCS8F  from California commented…7mos7MO

Couldn’t that same argument be applied to security guards, cops, CCW permit holders? Also, there’s nothing prohibiting a teacher from obtaining a firearm and unlawfully doing the same criminal activity. Your argument isn’t based in reality.

 @9GHFTW6from Maine agreed…8mos8MO

I believe that in certain circumstances they should be or the other thing to do is get more guards and do more training on how to possibly get students in a safer situation.

 @9GHPFY6Republican from Oregon agreed…8mos8MO

I think teachers should go through training and be provided a gun with a very protective safe so no one can get it. but they should have it to help prevent and stop school shootings

 @9GJC499 from Indiana agreed…8mos8MO

i agree, you cant have security guards in every classroom so arming the teachers would be the best option, but they must be trained by a professional in gun safety and take classes on having to act under pressure. they must also do an aiming course and have an accuracy of 80% or higher

 @9GFQG5F from Pennsylvania agreed…8mos8MO

Top Agreement

Hiring professionally trained security guards would be a better choice instead of armed teachers because professionally trained security guards undergo specialized training and would be more knowledgeable in handling combat with an armed shooter than a teacher would. This also gives teachers assurance that both the students and teachers are being protected by qualified individuals and they would be able to focus on their responsibilities without having to worry about their safety.

I understand some individuals in certain communities, especially the Black community, have a complicated relatio…  Read more

 @KnowledgeableD1plom4tConstitutionfrom Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

There are many examples of teachers undergoing extensive training programs, similar to those of security personnel. Take the example of Utah and Texas, where educators are allowed to carry firearms. They receive training on conflict de-escalation, mental health awareness, and tactical firearm proficiency.

In an emergency, a teacher already on the scene could react more quickly than a security guard who may be elsewhere on campus.

 @9GG3GN5Women’s Equalityfrom Maine disagreed…8mos8MO

Even though I believe that specialized guards should be used in schools, they are not always available during shootings and they are even targeted first during shootings, everyone should have the ability to protect themself and the people around them.

 @9GJSK77  from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

I feel like teachers should be able to protect their students with out being only one security guard on campus

 @9GKX4TVRepublican from Nevada agreed…8mos8MO

Teachers that have undergone training should be allowed to carry a gun to protect themselves and their students.

 @9GK52P7 from Florida agreed…8mos8MO

I believe teachers should have the ability to defend and protect their students by any means necessary as long as they are clear of mind and licensed to do so.

 @9GPFR2W from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

A teacher can only do so much and has the main job to teach education. A security guard should be there and armed to protect students. In the case of an emergency, teachers should be prepared on how to protect children as well.

 @9GMMCJ9Libertarian from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

I feel like teachers should be able to protect their students with out being only one security guard on campus

 @9GNL8F7  from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

A uniformed guard provides only a single point of protection whereas multiple armed teachers provide a much stronger obstacle for a mass shooter.

Additionally, allowing teacher's to carry disrupts a shooter's plan by introducing unpredictability. School shooters often carry out a planned attack. Not knowing who is armed severely hampers their ability to plan.

Finally, armed security is a visible eye sore and may cause anxiety. Discretely armed staff is a superior choice.

 @9GNMCZS  from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Teachers with firearms could present a danger towards the children. They aren't trained professionals like an armed guard would be, where they receive almost daily training. If a teacher were to improperly secure their firearm, a child could gain access to it and mistake it for a toy, which could lead to an accidental shooting. As well as that, teachers mental health vary, and they would need to go through multiple tests and background checks to be eligible, if one of these checks were failed and a teacher got past it, they could end up being the suspect in a shooting.

 @9GNL8F7  from Idaho commented…7mos7MO

It's a common misconception that police and armed guards are safer because of their training. Armed security and police do not receive "Daily Training" on firearms use. Most police departments only have a single qualification day a year where they fire an incredibly small amount of ammo. The Los Angeles Police Department's Pistol Qualification Course is a mere 30 rounds, once a year.

The reality is that a teacher who spends more than one or two days a year practicing with a firearm will be in a higher state of readiness than the majority of police officers in the US.

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 @9GNMR6Y from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this because too many people die in mass school shootings because of the failure of people to stop the shooter. With discreetly armed teachers the shooter can be stopped within seconds of the accident. This will make school shootings less frequent and harmful.

 @9GB24HM  from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

Train the teachers to be the guards for the same wages keeping our school spending the same and keeping our taxes from rising while giving the school a safety measure.

 @9GBRY4S  from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

I disagree, if teachers should be expected to fight like the army they should get a huge raise considering they're protecting their life along with hundreds of students. Teachers should have a choice if they want to train or not since it's their right but I think they should lock up any weapons and only they know the password just in case students want to play with it without being in danger. If in a dangerous situation but the teacher is down she should have the password somewhere they can find it but the safe should alert the front office that the weapons are out.

 @KnowledgeCicadaGreen from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

Even with training, the stress of a life-threatening situation can impair judgment and accuracy. According to The New York Times, even trained police officers only hit their targets about 30% of the time during gunfights. The possibility of a stray bullet harming a student cannot be overlooked. Having guns in the classroom, even if locked up, might create a false sense of security and distract from other important safety measures.

 @9GB8CXR from New Jersey agreed…8mos8MO

Yes because teaching teachers how to use a firearm will further make our school have more protection.

 @MinorityAlexandraRepublican from Connecticut disagreed…8mos8MO

Adding an extra layer of protection, consider this: a study from Stanford Law School found that more guns often lead to more violence rather than less. Furthermore, the stress and responsibility of handling a gun may distract a teacher from their primary role - education. Additionally, in a crisis, police could mistake an armed teacher for the shooter.

 @9GB4RCZRepublican from Michigan agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this because schools need more security, and safety. I also disagree because the teachers shouldn't be doing two jobs at once and keep the same wages.

 @9GBGRLKRepublican from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Teachers can act out in violence on random days towards kids putting a higher risk for students. Teachers could also give kids or kids could take the gun from the teacher making it easier and higher risk for the students of the schools to a shooting. Teachers are speculated to teach not to handle guns or weapons. In the act of a shooter or for general protection of the school there should be at least 2 armed guards or police officers monitoring the school who hold the weapons, not the teachers.

 @F0reignP0licyBellaRepublicanfrom Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

It's quite rare for teachers to resort to violence against students. But if teachers were allowed to carry guns, they would not just be handed firearms without any training. They would undertake extensive training and psychological evaluations to ensure they can handle such responsibility, just like any law enforcement officer.

For instance, consider the case of Harrold Independent School District in Texas, where select faculty members have been allowed to carry concealed firearms since 2007. These faculty members undergo rigorous training and must be approved by the board. To date, there have been no incidents involving the misuse of firearms by teachers in the district.

However, I can see how the presence of firearms could potentially change the school environment.

 @9GL959R from Florida agreed…8mos8MO

Schools should hire armed police or security instead of arming teachers. They would have one job and be trained specifically to keep people safe, as well as look out for suspicious activity. Teachers are busy teaching and wouldn't be as focused on that task.

 @9GLGNR8 from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

i think that is a great idea to get security people instead because teachers are to busy teaching to know what is going on

 @9GYNXDN from California agreed…7mos7MO

professional security guards would be well because they would be trained for this and kids wont walk all over them. many kids lack respect for teacher

 @9GZQ6J7 from Alabama disagreed…7mos7MO

School systems will not employ enough security officers for the size of their school because they won't have enough money to pay their wages; therefore, teachers should be armed and trained to take down an intruder before the intruder takes more lives because a security officer can't get there in time


Professional security guards would be well because they would be trained for this and kids don't talk all over them. many kids lack respect for teacher

 @9GZQG6M from Indiana disagreed…7mos7MO

The kids who lack respect for teachers will have the same lack of respect for security guards. Only having a few security guards at a school has been proven ineffective, since there has been active shooters at schools with security already established. The guards cannot be everywhere. Arming the teachers would give a larger number of people to respond in a timely manner for emergencies.

 @9FSHY4WPeace and Freedom  from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

I feel as though teachers should also be train to carry a gun along with professional workers. I think this would make it so the children no matter what are safe.

 @9FV5FNV from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

I agree because children should be safe in schools knowing their teachers also have a weapon that they can protect them with

 @9FV4VJ7 from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

"I feel as though teachers should also be train to carry a gun along with professional workers. I think this would make it so the children no matter what are safe." very good i am the same way.

 @9FV5674 from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

I feel all schools should have a trained security guard or police on campus at all times . I do not feel teachers should carry.

 @9H3597M agreed…7mos7MO

It is best to hire professionally trained guards because at least with them, they have more experience in combat as well as weapons.

 @9H38B3N from South Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

Teachers should be allowed to carry guns because it will be a deterrent to school shooters, and in the case of a school shooting teachers will be armed and you could put the armed guards at other places that need more protection.

 @9H382X3 from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

I agree however it would be best if possible to train a teacher in gun control and for them to undergo a thorough reviewing process of the temperament before allowing them to have access to a gun they should also be trained in martial arts

 @9H37R6FRepublican from South Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

You can require a teacher to get a high level gun-owning license and take a school-safety course in order to be able to carry one. But the more teachers that have a gun, the safer the school is from an intruder.

 @9H39PWR from Michigan commented…7mos7MO

i think this would be the best and safest option. if a teacher has a gun on them then students can steal it and now be armed same if its in a classroom not all teachers stay in the class

 @9GCCLPD  from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

What if we had both? That way we could have bases covered. Security staff on standby to prevent shootings and teachers in case of the enemy getting past them.

 @9GCDF5Q  from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe educating teachers on proper firearm safety to be inefficient. We should leave combat to people that are not only trained in but also interested/engaged in their work.

 @9GT4MZNRepublican  from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

There is a good chance that the teachers and guards won't be able to use it effectively so properly trained security guards would be able to defend the students better.

 @9GXMD5LRepublicanfrom Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

i believe that with the proper training that teachers can effectively handle school shooter situations there are a lot more teachers in school then armed guards but also we could use armed guards at the school

 @9GXM3HC from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

it is a extra source of protection, without having the everyday panic if there were to be security guards

 @9HH3ZDW from Maine agreed…6mos6MO

Professionals are professionals. There is no reason for untrained teachers to have guns as well. This also makes teachers a risk and therefore a target. Teachers have students around them. Why give shooters even more of a reason to make a beeline towards teachers.

 @9HH6PZJ from North Carolina disagreed…6mos6MO

Because, a teacher would be more prepared, with proper training of reactivity and precision training required, if the said teacher has had proper official training of what to do in the situation, then yes that's entirely fair.

 @9HHC3Y6  from South Dakota disagreed…6mos6MO

Chosen teachers should be required to go through a very specific skill-set course that specializes in the environment of a school workplace. They should know how to do everything from when to shoot, when to kill, and when not to shoot.


i think only trained teachers mainly former law informant or military should be aloud the privilege to carry in schools so they have the training to exterminate the threat of a shooter.


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