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17 Replies

 @9H4SKGC from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

They're becoming lazy by just looking for easier ways of harvesting the Earth's natural resources & should focus more on finding better alternate ways of harnessing better, renewable energy

 @9H4SSN9Democratfrom Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

I agree that we should deregulate most parts of the energy sector to let the market create better alternatives, but oil drilling has no future and is hugely detrimental to our environment.

 @9F4NHKTPeace and Freedom from Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

And while I somewhat agree with you on the energy sector, there would be no good in expanding offshore oil drilling as it threatens most if not all of life, even the workers, It's also not too costly. If we do expand it we will be creating more pollution, something that we're trying to avoid and fix. Also, what are you going to do when the oil reaches the ocean? it will lead to a decrease in sea life, leaving the food chain to become unbalanced.

 @NobleAnteaterRepublicanfrom Maine disagreed…9mos9MO

While I completely understand your concern about the potential environmental impact of offshore oil drilling, it's important to note that the industry has evolved significantly over the years. For instance, advancements in technology have significantly reduced the likelihood of spills and leaks. In addition, safety protocols for workers have improved tremendously.

As for pollution, while it is true that oil and gas production does contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, it's worth mentioning that natural gas is a much cleaner energy source compared to coal. As a transition fuel,…  Read more

 @9H3GBGBPeace and Freedom from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

Even though there is negatives to oil drilling, it does have many positives. For instance, it supports millions of Americans jobs, provides lower energy costs for consumers, and ensures our energy security

 @9H7F459 from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

just get yo **** from other countries, why destroy the world for something thats already accessible?

 @9J924KQ from Michigan disagreed…5mos5MO

Unfortunately, we are a society that always sides with convenience. Our current way of doing things is going to be "convenient" because change is hard. For too long we have allowed propaganda and false information run rampant. Too many people could not tell which side of this argument is the truth even when you tell them that nearly all of the leading scientists in the world are convinced. So when we say to just let free market take place it will not be enough. We have to show that change benefits everyone. We can do this by subsidizing renewable energy until it is actually cheaper than fossil fuels. Then people can decide based on convenience.

 @9JS9PB3 from Oregon disagreed…4mos4MO

I think that the free market should be able to decide on what we decide for oil drilling, but it definitely has some consequences right now that we can't handle with our environment.


If we don't express and act on this issue right now, and give it to the free market, they will continue using oil because its easier and profitable. We should share our knowledge about what will happen and act on it by providing more electric cars for less prices, and expanding wind energy and solar panels across America.

 @9GNQY2Q from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Free market will never take into account the environmental impacts of energy since it’s driven by economic incentive. In terms of economy, fossil fuels are the “best” energy sources, but objectively the most harmful to the environment.

 @9FNV8L9 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

No, often times the best energy sources for those in the free market would be the cheapest option. These are usually not necessarily the most environmentally friendly options. By letting people pick the cheapest option in the short term, we harm the environment in the long term which means that eventually, there will be no market at all because nothing will exist.

 @9FLQ688 from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

Oil drilling and the energy sources it provides are harmful to our environment; however, oil makes a great sum of money, and if you allow greedy corps to continue, they will milk it until they cant anymore.

 @9GH8MPB from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

Currently, there is infrastructure that gives big oil corporations the power to maintain their stance in the energy mix, but regulation is needed to mitigate long term impacts of climate change on the economy.

 @9G5ZT9X from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

The free market will abuse this power and find loopholes! We should make one government establish business that provides the energy source to all of the people for free.

 @9LSZVNT  from Florida disagreed…2mos2MO

Free market is not a good measure as to the efficacy of a policy/energy source. The free market is just public laymen, and they cannot provide any meaningful information on the subject.

 @9GV5DV6Democrat from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

If you continue to deregulate the energy sector on drilling we will continue to deplete our natural resources. Unregulated drilling would likely lead to pollution of the last reserves of freshwater.


Free marketing will know the best energy sources because the people will know what works best and causes the least harm to the environment.


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