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195 Replies


How would you react if elements of Christian Nationalism were adopted in your local or national government?

 @9H7X5KQ from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

I'm a firm Christian and i believe that anyone is welcome to what they believe as long as they don't oppress other peoples religions because its about what you believe in not what the person next to you believes.


It probably wouldn't affect me much because i don't really do religon anymore.

 @9H7XSWB from California answered…6mos6MO

i dont think it would be a problem but i should be given an option if i want to do that or not

 @9H7W3VJ from Virginia answered…6mos6MO


Reflecting on history, do you think nations have successfully balanced national identity with religious diversity, and what can we learn from those examples?

 @9HXK3RYWomen’s Equality from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO

everyone should be allowed their own choice of religion as long as it does not hurt anyone else

 @9HXKLQM from Washington answered…5mos5MO

nations have not successfully balanced national identity, i think there is some more work we can do to make it better and make people feel comfortable to believe in what they believe in. i think there is too much discrimination around for it to be "fully successful", and i understand that not everyone is going to agree on it but there can definitely be less.

 @9HXWNN6 from California disagreed…5mos5MO

People care too much about what others think. The "discrimination" that people see is made up or amplified by their own imagination. If people would get out of their own way, people would be more successful.

 @9HXJX86 from Utah answered…5mos5MO

 @9HXK6PRDemocrat from Indiana answered…5mos5MO

Yes, I think for the most part that the U.S. has done well with separating religion and law. An issue that we have with it would be with abortions and the whole planned parenthood controversy. But, besides that, I think the U.S. doesn't force religion upon others and does a good job of allowing everyone religious freedom.

 @9HXWLWD from Iowa agreed…5mos5MO

We shouldn't separate Church and State, without God every empire will fall. Additionally most cultures die as soon as culture becomes overly sexualized (see ancient greece)


How important is it for the cultural identity of a nation to be reflected in its political system, and should religion play a role in that?

 @9HXLVL7  from California answered…5mos5MO

Religion should have no connection to government. Church and Government should be seperated.

 @9HYBZRW from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO

no religion should play a role in the government because at the end of the day, religion is faith and sometimes people can use that when instead you need a technical solution.

 @9HZRGSPLibertarian  from New Jersey disagreed…5mos5MO

Religion should not play a role in the government because the first amendment guarantees the right for every American the freedom to practice whatever faith they want. Any politician that makes decisions based on their faith is an infringement on every American. Decisions made by politicians should not be faith based but rather based on facts and numbers.

 @9HXLVPT from Florida answered…5mos5MO

Religion should not play a role in politics, and I don't think nations should have national religions.

 @9HYBPKW from Wyoming agreed…5mos5MO

I think that if religion comes into government it could cause lots of problems because everyone has different views.

 @9HXM3SH from California answered…5mos5MO


What do you think are the risks or benefits of having a national religion?

 @9HK5X8S  from Idaho answered…6mos6MO

Religion in general is important so we as a society have good moral values. Having one national religion is wrong. We should leave it up to the people to choose what religion they want to practice.

 @9HK6926Independent from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

I think religion should be left to the individual just as all other beliefs, values, and morals. I believe it is only the obviously devious or wrong that should be controlled. All others should compromised or left alone and respected.

 @9HK5WKBPeace and Freedom from New York answered…6mos6MO

I think the risks of having a national religion is that you have lots and lots of political power to have their own interests instead of supporting and serving your people in your national religion.

 @9HK5V2R  from California answered…6mos6MO

We are a Christian Nation, founded as such. Only in Christian Nations are other religions able to worship as they see fit without persecution. All religions should be protected from state action, state needs no protection from moral Christians.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Roman Catholic Europe says otherwise, The Ottomans were more accepting than Catholicism way back when. Christian Nationalism claims that we’re Christian as a nation and should be treated as such, when separation of church and state is explicitly stated in our bill of rights and supported by many of our founding fathers. No national religion must be made, or we lose the equal treatment of religious or non-religious individuals.


How do you perceive the concept of 'separation of church and state,' and do you believe it's being upheld in your country?

 @9HXL9G7 from California answered…5mos5MO

I believe that the state should have no say in what goes on in religion as it is a right promised in the Constituton.

 @9HXL9MC from Iowa answered…5mos5MO

I don't feel that it is being upheld because there are decisions being made in our government based on religious ideologies.

 @9HYCBZC from California agreed…5mos5MO

Due to the fact that some of the more powerful figures that run countries, it's more than likely that they would impose their ideas onto laws and regulation. When someone gains power, it's always likely that one would impose it on everyone else. Therefore, I agree with the statement that it isn't being upheld.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

The state cannot make decisions based off of religious belief, though politicians are allowed to be affected by their personal religious beliefs. Government cannot spend directly on churches, and churches or religions cannot establish theirs Supreme or oppress other religions. You’re entitled to your beliefs, and reasonable accommodation should be made for them, but you can not use those beliefs as justify for violations of natural rights, human rights, or to attack others.

 @9HXNCRFWorking Family from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO

free of religion. if christain(the bad one) takes over the state then we have no more freedom


How would you navigate conflicts that arise between your personal freedoms and a government's religiously influenced policies?

 @9HXLBQ4Democrat from California answered…5mos5MO

Politics and religion should never be mixed, the biggest example of why not is in world history.

 @9HXMT3Q from Nevada agreed…5mos5MO

religion is based of personal beliefs whereas politics can shape and affect your life in many ways like presidential elections or politicians.

 @9HXLBKS from California answered…5mos5MO

I would mostly stay out of it. Or I would hear both sides then Make my choice bad.

 @9HXL863 from Idaho answered…5mos5MO

i don't think the government should be influenced by religion

 @9HXNN2HWomen’s Equality from Minnesota agreed…5mos5MO

The constitution says that there is freedom of religion so if the government is based about a religion it’ll make people choose that religion


Would you support laws that align with Christian values but may affect the rights of non-Christians?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Without a shadow of a doubt, no. I refuse to affect others negatively by putting one religious belief above another.

 @9HK9L49 from Massachusetts answered…6mos6MO

Absolutely not. I would never support that, religion and government should be completely separate.


Should public schools teach Christian values, and why or why not?

 @9HJS2RK from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

I believe that Christian values should be taught in schools, an important detail is that I myself am a Christian and do thoroughly believe that everyone should have the opportunity to hear about God and the values that are held as a Christian. While I do understand not wanting this, there are many other religions taught in school, they may be brief, but they're shown to kids even when they're in middle school. On the side of high school students, I feel it would be more appropriate to have religion taught as you would understand what's happening and better see the values.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Religion shouldn’t be taught, but examined through a lens of impartiality in classes such as history, purely for the sake of understanding them, not to convert them. I have no problems with people praying by themselves, but they are not entitled time to do so, nor do others have to follow suit.

 @9HJS338 from Arizona answered…6mos6MO


In your view, what role should Christian teachings play in discussions about social welfare and economic policy?

 @9HK6GR3 from California answered…6mos6MO

 @9HK6CVH from Colorado answered…6mos6MO

No role religion should have nothing to do with government or political polices religious beliefs should be put aside to come to a resolve that embodies the thoughts of all individuals not one religion.


Can a government truly represent all its citizens if it endorses a specific religion?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia answered…5mos5MO

 @9HK9TZ2 from Louisiana answered…6mos6MO

no it can not the US is a country founded off free religion of course there shouldn't be a national religion


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