Try the political quiz

256 Replies


What measures would you take to protect the planet in the absence of environmental regulation?

 @9KYBJ96 from California answered…3mos3MO

i would protest if we dont do something soon the world is gonna die a lot sooner then we know

 @9KYB9Z4Peace and Freedom from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

 @9KYB666 from California answered…3mos3MO

Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. Follow the three "R's" to conserve natural resources and landfill space.

 @9KYB9CWGreen from Minnesota answered…3mos3MO

Making policies to protect our planet is crucial to ensure quality of life for the future


If there were no regulations setting the school curriculum, what subjects would you choose to study and why?

 @9LDS3S3 answered…2mos2MO

I'd choose to study things that are more significant to our society, like taxes and the current states and well-being of other nations so we can size-up how we'd compare in the future and what we should be aiming for in the present to ensure we're ready on an international level.

 @9LGDBDJ from Florida agreed…2mos2MO

Since we do not know much about how taxes work, where they go, etc; many people have problems with filing their taxes and understanding how they work. I also believe that it is important for us to learn the well-being of other nations because it helps us as a society to know in which direction to move, where to improve, and what areas need more development. This will also translate to more effective voting and a better work force.

 @9LDT46S from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I believe that educational fundamentals of math, science, language arts, factual history, political science, and technology are important to build a foundation, but I’d like for our schools to also teach students how to think critically, research effectively, and explore intellectual curiosities. Additionally, students should also learn useful life skills such as how to manage personal finances, introduction to basic investment strategies, the importance of credit ratings. There should also be exposure to matters of career development, problem solving and conflict resolution, navigating…  Read more

 @9LDS8GG from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

Math, Science, Spanish, and Literacy. These will help me in the future.


Picture a society where all your roads are toll-based; how would this affect your daily life?

 @9LDS2Z2Democrat from Iowa answered…2mos2MO

This would be crazy paying for tolls everyday just to go to work and gas on top of that would not help Economy.

 @9LFKRDZ from Texas agreed…2mos2MO

Having to purchase and pay off a vehicle while also paying for insurance and gas bi-weekly is enough money spent already, having to spend more money just to go to work would damage the economy. Any one commuting from a town to Dallas would spend well over 100 dollars on tolls and gas bi weekly.

 @9LDSBRBDemocrat from Georgia answered…2mos2MO

I would not want to go anywhere because I would have to pay lots money just to leave my county.

 @9LDSBCZ from Iowa answered…2mos2MO

Maybe it would get out of hand having a minimal role for the government



How much do you think a society can trust individuals to make responsible economic decisions without any government guidance?

 @9H9G8Y4Democrat  from Wisconsin answered…7mos7MO

People are more likely to have a multitude of different thoughts and ideas that conflict with what should be done in favor of what possibly selfish people want. This causes a multitude of different areas that could have been condensed into a more streamlined process with a government.

 @9H7H5JDfrom Virgin Islands answered…7mos7MO

People are more likely to have a multitude of different thoughts and ideas that conflict with what should be done in favor of what possibly selfish people want. This causes a multitude of different areas that could have been condensed into a more streamlined process with a government.

 @9H9G768 from North Carolina answered…7mos7MO

I think as a society we have shown that we are unable to make the correct decisions in regards to economic decisions making.


Society should have little trust in individuals who can make responsible economic decisions without any govt guidance.


What personal dreams or ambitions do you feel would be more achievable in a society with no government intervention in business?


I think young buisnessmen jsut starting up a business would be able to me more successful and find a fresher start if the gov't didn't have has much intervention in business as it does today.

 @9HMZSRT from West Virginia answered…6mos6MO

I believe that many dreams and achievements can't be achieved in a market not regulated as the market is ruthless and people love money, so it will be a dog eat dog world out there, killing off many businesses only leaving the big corporations.


Would you prefer a job market with no minimum wage, relying solely on your skills to negotiate pay?

 @9H5DD87 from Pennsylvania answered…7mos7MO

No, minimum wage must be required as a safeguard for the working class to not suffer abuse from employers.

 @9HF98YK from Florida commented…6mos6MO

 @9H5DDQRfrom Maine commented…7mos7MO

I agree but it should not grow too fast and shall be determined by municipalities

 @9H5D8C2Democrat from New Jersey answered…7mos7MO

I would prefer a job with no minimum wage because There is a higher chance of being paid more.

 @9H5DBXYfrom Maine answered…7mos7MO

No! Minimun wages should be in place and people should be able to live on them!!!!!


If public schooling shifted to a wholly for-profit model, how would that influence your educational aspirations or expectations?

 @9J32877Republican from Nevada answered…5mos5MO

I would say it wouldn't affect me as a kid because I am in the school to learn not to see if the school is for or not for profit.

 @9J2ZSC6 from Indiana answered…5mos5MO


Can you imagine a world where your healthcare and education quality depend entirely on your ability to pay?

 @9H7GBN8Democrat from South Carolina answered…7mos7MO

No, education and healthcare of basic rights everyone should have no matter your paycheck

 @9H7G842 from New York answered…7mos7MO

I think its unfair to 60% of all Americans since not everyone in America is rich we mostly are poor or middle class people


Imagine starting a business with very few rules; is that more exciting or scary to you?

 @9H5SB8S from Texas answered…7mos7MO

This would not be ideal and would be scary as less rules could potentially lead to more chaos and eventually worsen the environment in the business. As much as rules seem limiting it is still needed to have an efficient and smooth business.


If you could buy anything, no matter how dangerous, how would you ensure your own safety or the safety of others?

 @9HMYZC2Republican from New York answered…6mos6MO

you should be able to buy whatever you want, leave others out if its dangerous.

 @9HMYZ7K from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

You wouldn't because there is a lot of unsafe people in the world and they can't b trusted


Without any legal obligation, would you expect companies to invest in the communities they operate in, and why?

 @9KBWFQKLibertarian from Florida answered…4mos4MO

No, because that leads to creations of company towns and the undermining of the U.S. Dollar, especially now that it is off of the Gold Standard.

 @9KBVNXQ from Texas answered…4mos4MO

I would so because Economic Liberalism is legal and also legal for each government and how Economic Liberalism helps each government


How would your choices as a consumer be different if there was no minimum wage affecting the cost of goods and services?


I believe that my choices as a consumer would remain much the same. However, I do believe that not having a minimum wage would drastically decrease the price of goods and services, and could be beneficial.

 @9JP339K from Maryland answered…4mos4MO

goods and services would be higher and minimum wage would not be able to pay


Without government-imposed environmental regulations, how would you personally contribute to protecting nature?

 @9HMZK2B from Maryland answered…6mos6MO


How would your approach to spending change if there were no consumer protection laws?


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