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326 Replies

 @9GXB6PM  from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

I don't think college should be free to all because I feel like college should be something that people have to earn, people should earn the right to be able to go to college and work hard for it. If college was free to all than people could just coast by in school, and not even try.

 @9GXFYB3Independent from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

i dont think college should be free for everyone, however i do believe that more scholarships should be available to lower income households or maybe even first generation college attendees

 @9GXK7GT from California disagreed…7mos7MO

I believe that the prices of community college are reasonable enough for anyone to find an odd job or savings in order to attend. There should be federal aid for people in situations where this is not affordable though such as being a teen parent or under a certain living wage based on income/hours worked yearly. Private universities should NOT be free as this would propel our country into more debt…

 @9GZZSZ2Republican from Maryland disagreed…7mos7MO

College should be free to all, because not everyone who "earns" their way into college has the appropriate funding to let them carry out their college career. It is one person's own choice to not try in school, but those who earn their place in college, obviously will not decide to do that.

 @9GXXZ44Democrat from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

This claim is untrue, college and universities hold themselves to a high standard amongst staff and students. They require certain GPA grades in order to maintain a position at the university, making the amount students are paying ridiculous. If college was free for all then we’d have more alumnus , more adults with accredited degrees , and more adults with better job opportunities . You cannot “earn” something you are paying for, but you can earn and hold your position in the institution

 @9FZMX3CIndependent  from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

Studies have shown that countries with free or heavily subsidized higher education have higher college enrollment rates and lower student loan debt. It can help alleviate the burden of student loan debt, which has reached record levels. By making college more accessible and affordable, we can empower more individuals to pursue higher education, increase their earning potential, and contribute to the economy. It's an investment in the future of our society and the success of people in my generation and the more to come!

 @9FWH74LWomen’s Equality from Arizona agreed…8mos8MO

Free college for all is a need since because colleges are too expensive many U.S. Citizens do not have a opportunity to have their studies on their resume therefore there would not be many people willing to hire them although being better options that people that could afford going to university

 @9FWHSJ3 from Missouri agreed…8mos8MO

Free college for all is a need since because colleges are too expensive many U.S. Citizens do not have a opportunity to have their studies on their resume therefore there would not be many people willing to hire them although being better options that people that could afford going to university

 @9GLQJYY  from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

It will encourage more people to go to college since there are some people that their family don´t have enough money for college.

 @9GLTDGY from California agreed…7mos7MO

I'd be happy to provide my thoughts on the idea of "Free College for All," but I need to see the comment you're referring to in order to respond to it specifically. Please provide the comment, and I can offer my perspective on it.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…7mos7MO

You can literally view all the comments in the thread by clicking on them...

 @9GLS77B from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

I agree that college should be free for all. People come to America to have a better chance of getting an education and a job. Not many people can afford college because most only get paid minimum wage.

 @9GFZ7Z3 from Michigan agreed…7mos7MO

Free college for all gives students a chance to do something with their life for no cost, some people want to experience college but can't because it's too expensive


How the world is set up today you need college to be successful and there is a lot on low income people with not a lot of opportunities who is really smart and cant attend college because of the funds it take to attend and then is stuck working at a job they don't even like.

 @9GGZPL7  from Oregon agreed…7mos7MO

Other Countries have free higher education. People are losing interest in college because of the amount of debt you are guaranteed to have once you complete your degree, or if you attempt college and drop out, you will still have debt. Even with scholarships and things like the Oregon Promise, you still will have to take out loans and pay a lot of money out of pocket even with finical aid.

 @9GH3674Democrat from Wisconsin agreed…7mos7MO

I think that college/university should be free for all especially in America. Countries with less money overall are able to provide their citizens with free colleges so our country should do the same. The government wants us to get higher paying jobs with higher level skills; however this can't be done with the amount that colleges are asking for.

 @9GJRLR4Democrat from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

There is a need for free college for everyone since, due to the high cost of education, many Americans do not have the opportunity to list their education on their resumes. As a result, even though they would have greater options than those who could afford to attend university, fewer employers would be ready to hire them. We've been going to school for free, from grades K-12, so why when we get to college we have to pay so much?

 @9GJTLXY  from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

College would get watered down. This is basic economics. If everyone has access to something than the people who really need/want it will no longer get the benifits from it. For example, if there is a hurricane and people want gas, but the gov. puts a price ceiling on the price of 2 dollars then there will be a huge line, filled with people who are just getting it to be cautious, but someone who needs it for a real emergency still has to wait on that line. But if gas was 10 dollars than bo one will get gas besides the ones who really need it. Same principle applies.

 @9GK4LCT from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

Adding the ability to go to school for free will have potential adverse effects. This may include those with little to no ability for to attend college due to time constraints. Potential consequences may include inability to hire those who are qualified for the job who as mentioned cannot obtain the degree. Those mentioned may have the potential to have issues with getting hired due to higher standards which can cause higher numbers of unemployed people.

 @9GJTQD8 from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this position on Free College For All because I believe that college should be free since there might be people who want to go to college but might not be able to afford it.

 @9GJSBXB  from Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

The United States is already over eleven trillion dollars in debt, we need to cut our expenses not add to them. Offering free college for all would just add even more debt weakening the dollar. Free college for all would also make Americans lazy, the price of college inspires people to work and boosts the economy.

 @9GGD5TP agreed…7mos7MO

Free College for all, for the most part, I think that free college should go to the people willing to continue their life and work hard for success and really want to strive at life, free college will change smart lower-class families looking for a better life.

 @9FXCBHT  from Indiana agreed…8mos8MO

More then 60 percent of the people vote yes to having a free 4 year college degree for people that wish to attend them. over 70 percent of the people in the US are in borrowing debt after college. Therefore College should be free all the way around and just have the government fund the professors and workers at the colleges.

 @9FXCYK9Libertarian from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

who ever wrote that sentence is retarded and needs to learn how to debate. news flash not everything is free especially education other countries do not have the access we have. we are 30 trillion in debate college is expensive and not free.

 @9FXCBHT  from Indiana commented…8mos8MO

30 trillion dollars in debt you mean? To be able to debate you need to focus on proper capitalization, your facts would be true if you worded them correctly. Yes the U.S. is in 30 trillion dollars in debt, we are the country with the most debt but one of the strongest militaries, as well as the top country for education. We are in debt to be able to do the things the US does and have the freedom that we have. Other countries don't have the access we have because their government cannot access the financial resources to provide strong education.

 @T3rritorialCodSocialist from Maryland agreed…8mos8MO

Indeed, when we look back through history, it's clear that the US has often been willing to spend significantly in the name of progress and national development. For instance, the GI Bill, enacted after World War II, provided educational benefits for returning veterans. This led to an unprecedented boom in higher education and economic growth which eventually outweighed the initial costs. Given such historical precedence, wouldn't it be plausible to argue that investing in free higher education could potentially lead to similar positive outcomes?

 @9GHZVZ6  from Connecticut agreed…7mos7MO

It's a matter of national defense that America be among the best educated countries. Plus, each of us should be encouraged to contribute to the best of our abilities without favoring the rich and well connected.

 @9GJ7MM3 from Arizona disagreed…7mos7MO

Where do you suppose the money for free college will come from? The money has to come from somewhere and I guarantee it is going to come from the middle class. Not everyone needs to go to college.

 @9GJ745ZIndependent from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

It will increase taxes and those same rich people will not be affected as much as the working class.

 @9GKFN65  from California agreed…7mos7MO

Access to higher education shouldn't be so restrictive. The richest country in the world should be able to meet the same education standards as other developed nations.

 @9H3BT78  from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

Not only would it increase competence and consumer knowledge, but it would also boost economic growth because of employee competence.

 @9H3HXZQ from California agreed…7mos7MO

Free college doesn’t limit students that didn’t grow up in a low income household gives more opportunities to everyone

 @9HYFW3P  from Washington D.C. agreed…5mos5MO

Free College for All makes higher education more accessible by reducing financial barriers. Studies show that rising tuition costs and student loan debt can hinder access to education. Countries like Germany and Norway have already seen positive outcomes with free college systems. Investing in Free College for All promotes equity and empowers students to succeed.

 @9G76CXS from Arkansas agreed…8mos8MO

College should be free for all just how public schools are (besides paying taxes). College is required for jobs with higher incomes and its unfair to those that are already low income and want to make more money, but dont have the qualifications for the job.


people who aren't able to pay a tuition but has done a great job of not getting in trouble in the 1-12 grade year should be able to get a tuition free for doing an amazing job of fighting for their dreams.

 @9H25PL8 from Kansas agreed…7mos7MO

Yes because it is not fair for them to do good in school for that long and not be able to go to college because they cant afford it.


i agree because those who have worked hard and never got in trouble in their lives but cant afford the tuition for college should be able to attend colllege for free or for a very low amount thats affordable

 @9GB4TTC from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

with the rates of enrolement campoared to graduation of college we see that not alot of people are able to pay for all 4-5 years in order to achieve ther major.

 @9F6RJQN  from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

There's no such thing as free money, paying for people's college degrees is irrational because loans, by definition, should be paid back. Furthermore, if a student cannot pay for college, they should realize there are other paths in life that yield successful careers, such as a trade school.

 @9FDZ2KF from Pennsylvania agreed…9mos9MO

As inflation increases the cost of living increases but minimum wage hasn't increased. Therefore raise minimum wage ie raising for all or forgive loans.

 @9FDTQ2H from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Education shouldn't be something people have to pay for if they want to make a living in life, why pay for a diploma that most jobs require just for them to be in debt.

 @9GVZ736 from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

I believe that all who wish to pursue higher education should be treated the same as those in K-12 schools and should be able to not worry about the financial cost of it so they have to work for decades to pay it off.


because a lot of low income families want a chance and their chance is their kid that is very giving and smart to get a scholar ship and to create a life for themselves and to help their parents

 @9FTC6HPDemocrat from California agreed…8mos8MO

Implementing Free College for All is a vital step to address the growing challenges in higher education. Rising tuition costs have led to an overwhelming student loan debt crisis, now exceeding $1.7 trillion. This policy not only alleviates the financial burden on students but also promotes equity by ensuring equal access to higher education. It's a sound investment in our nation's future, as college graduates tend to earn more and contribute to economic growth. Many other developed countries already offer tuition-free or low-cost education, putting American students at a disadvantage in the global job market. By making higher education accessible, Free College for All can help bridge the skills gap and provide a pathway to economic prosperity while addressing systemic issues in our education system.

 @9GYJ6DW from California agreed…7mos7MO

Many people who attend college end up with high debt due to college funds and may be the reason for dropping out. If we give free college, many people can continue their education.

 @9GXNJ78 from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

College for those that are capable of succeeding and providing more value to the economy should be free as it is to the benefit of everyone. Money should not be a barrier for any citizen that is able and willing.

 @9G7YTLQ from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

Free college for all is a need since because colleges are too expensive many U.S. Citizens do not have a opportunity to have their studies on their resume therefore there would not be many people willing to hire them although being better options that people that could afford going to university

 @9G46YS6 from Oklahoma agreed…8mos8MO

College costs continue to rise, making it more difficult for high school students to continue in college. Inside Higher Ed study found that 38 percent of students didn't enroll because of fears about the cost of college and amassing debt. If we want students to further their education to fill the spots of those retiring, we need to help them ease their fears of financial burdens.

 @9GSCPLV from Colorado agreed…7mos7MO

Simply by providing free college, the U.S. can utilize potential brain power and even stimulate economies by creating college graduates and entering them into the workforce.

 @9GGXB7W from California agreed…7mos7MO

Not all students can afford to pay for college and each student should have the opportunity to study and not stress about having to pay for it. Especially parents that come from other countries and came to the United States to have a better life for them and their children. There are more than half of 56%, of college students that can no longer afford their tuition tab, according to a survey students took name One Class. Students. Over 72% college students experience financial stress, worry and fear of being unable to meet tuition cost 60% and meet monthly expenses 50%.


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