Try the political quiz

187 Replies


What emotions stir within you when encountering perspectives on sexuality that differ from your own?

 @9J5TFGCRepublican  from Texas answered…5mos5MO

in my opinion i dont support homosexuality. Keep your relationships to your self. Im all for respecting peoples beliefs and sexual orientation but the second you try and push your beliefs on me i cannot respect you.

 @9J72F96 from Utah disagreed…5mos5MO

Homosexuality is just as real and valid as any heterosexual relationship. If you are not engaging in homosexual relationships, I do not believe you deserve a say in the matter.

 @9J6YYGR  from North Carolina disagreed…5mos5MO

Enacting legislation that affirms the rights of sexual minorities does not "push" their lifestyle onto anyone else. In fact, if the right to same-sex marriage were established, you may see a decrease in public discourse regarding the topic.

 @9J5VC6C from California answered…5mos5MO

I am not a fan of the ones who force it on people and their kids. They should keep that to their selves instead of trying to turn kids in to homosexuals while they're young and don't know for themselves.

 @9J8C2WS from Arkansas disagreed…5mos5MO

No one is forcing anything on anyone. People just want the option to educate people unfamiliar with lgbt issues. Forcing them to be quiet is inherently trying to 'keep' your kids straight while they're young and don't know for themselves.

 @9J5WZ36 from Texas answered…5mos5MO

No real differ of emotions for perspectives unless it reaches an unlawful or dangerous preference, such as towards minors or non-consent, in which I feel revulsion. As long as it is not harmful or unlawful I believe it is best accepted, but not pushed onto others.

 @9J5SVN4 from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

It doesn't really matter to me they can do what they want as long as they arent rude to me not being like that


To what extent does the media's portrayal of sexual orientation influence our personal beliefs?

 @9J526JH from California answered…5mos5MO

For me, I am a catholic and I do not approve of this but I have no say because I respect everyone's wishes.

 @9J52398 from Arizona answered…5mos5MO

I think the media is the media because it's a diverse area to share what we believe in. The people who go and go against it are choosing to publicly voice their hatred for a topic, and the creator of the original post can choose to ignore it or fight. The media's "portrayal" are people sharing their happiness, and it's up to other people who look at it, react the way they do, and if they choose to let it bother them, so be it.

 @9J528F2 from California answered…5mos5MO

I think that the media's portrayal of sexual orientation heavily influences mainly the younger generations to persuade their personal beliefs.


Do you believe that cultural and religious traditions should adapt to modern views on human rights?

 @9HDRRW8 from Texas answered…6mos6MO

i think everyone should be treated equal but if some people dont like gays then thats their opinion you cant change that

 @9HCLN9P  from Ohio commented…6mos6MO

As long as they aren't forcing their opinions on or are harming others they can think whatever they want.


I think people can believe in their religion with older views on human rights while still being a part of a civilized population. People should not be forced conform to the LGBTQ movement because it is popular and some of the population agrees or identifies with it. People can be nice and believe in what they want to period.

 @9HDRF6LDemocrat from Kentucky answered…6mos6MO

I think you can personally believe whatever you want abouth omosexuality, but you arent allowed to commit hate crimes/speech or force homosexuals to conform.

 @9HDRDQG from New York answered…6mos6MO

I dont think relgions should have to adapt to people who are gay I think they believe in what they want to


How might your viewpoint on anti-homosexuality change if a close family member or friend came out as LGBTQ+?

 @9H93PCN from New Hampshire answered…7mos7MO

It would stay the same, I accept almost everybody.

 @9H94H7C from Virginia commented…7mos7MO

I always accept people for who they are. Love who you want to love, but DO NOT force your thoughts on me.

 @9H947R9 from California answered…7mos7MO

You should accept all your loved ones if they haven't seriously wronged you. Being homosexual is not a disease, nor is it a bad thing. There's no need to hide your kids from regular homosexuals when they see heterosexuals on TV and on the internet every day.

 @9H99LJ7 from Texas answered…7mos7MO

 @9H9BHXG from Nevada answered…7mos7MO

As long as they don't make it their entire identity and act as a "person" it wouldn't matter in my book


How does your personal definition of 'family' evolve with the understanding of different family dynamics?

 @9J4WBLMIndependent from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

i think people should be allowed a choice , who they love is who they love. i would preach that in my house and no matter what always show love and never hate.

 @9J588T9 from California agreed…5mos5MO

I believe people should be able to have a choice no matter what. People should be able to chose who they want to love. my house hold is nothing but love.

 @9J4W8MF from Washington answered…5mos5MO

other peoples lives are of no concern to me as long as they do not affect me

 @Lukebryan427  from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

The most stable home conditions come from a nuclear family with both a matriarch and a patriarch present.


What do you feel is the most important aspect of 'family' regardless of its members' sexual orientation?

 @9HM2GQ9Independent from Louisiana answered…6mos6MO

The most important part of family is feeling loved and safe in the environment you live in. Gender and sexuallity of the guardians doesnt matter as long as the children in the house are taken care of, loved, and safe.

 @9HM2NZN from Texas answered…6mos6MO

i dont think you can build a family when its parents of the LGBTQ community yet. people do it regardless

 @9HM3YCY from Florida answered…6mos6MO

I think it's important to let the child discover things such as the LGBTQ themselves instead if being influenced at a young age. It's important to be loved in a family, and any family regardless of man and man, women and women or man and women can do this. As long as they aren't being influenced at a young age with gender and identity.

 @9HFY65K from South Carolina commented…6mos6MO


In a diverse society, how do we define what is 'normal' in terms of sexuality?


if you were born a girl then you are a girl, as if u were born a boy then you are a boy.


Should a person's contribution to society be assessed independently from their sexual orientation?

 @9HM2ZRX from Minnesota answered…6mos6MO

 @9HM2WSV from California answered…6mos6MO

 @9HFZW3FRepublican from Ohio commented…6mos6MO

In the grand scheme of things, a person’s sexual orientation does not determine their character. Though I don’t agree with their lifestyle, I still believe that it is important to look past our differences and work for the common good of humanity.


From whom or what do we learn our perspectives on sexuality, and should these sources be reevaluated over time?

 @9HPST8T from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

 @9HPSYDZ from Virgin Islands answered…6mos6MO

You learn from sexuality bits and pieces from your surroundings, such as family, friends, the internet etc.. and of course we should reevaluate our sources since everyone holds some kind of bias.

 @9HPST4R from New York answered…6mos6MO

We learn it from our parents but no you cant evaluate parents because they teach homophobia.


I feel like learning from your parents is the best and they could probably teach you a way or show you in a different way then others.

 @9HPSR4TDemocrat  from New Jersey answered…6mos6MO

Where you learn about sexuality I believe mostly comes from your friends and family, whatever their beliefs may be will rub off onto you, another source would be your place of learning. Really with time you would eventually make your own decision, for school learning it should be reevaluated from time to time.


What are the societal benefits or disadvantages of inclusive attitudes towards LGBTQ+ individuals?

 @9HLYHJL from Utah answered…6mos6MO

They're people, the same as anyone else. Any ideology that portrays a group of people as "other, different, or bad" is bigoted and amoral. There are only benefits to including people and treating them with respect. I am disappointed that this is an issue that must be debated.

 @9HLYC48Green  from Wisconsin answered…6mos6MO

As far as I'm concerned, there are no disadvantages to everyone having equal rights.

 @9HLYB8M from Wisconsin answered…6mos6MO

It's silly to be homophobic honestly. Animals can love the same sex and some animals can change their gender themself. Being "Anti-Homosexuality" is just being stupid.