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23 Replies

 @9FF6PDXRepublican from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

An abortion in that situation is definitely something to think about, but people can't forget that it's not "some fetus", it is a living creature. Having an abortion is no different than a mother killing a four-year-old child, yet the mothers are prosecuted and the abortionists are not? That's prejudice.

 @9FDR4T9 from Kentucky disagreed…9mos9MO

My argument for this is that it says in the Bible, "Every child deserves a chance in life." I am a girl myself, but if God has allowed my body to form a baby then I believe that child deserves a right to live. To me that little baby did not do anything, so why would you kill it, it's murder. That little baby is not just a clump of cells, it's living and growing with a heart beat. I know some women get raped for no reason it just happens, and I am sorry that happened to them, but this baby could change their life in a positive way, it doesn't have to be negative thi…  Read more

 @PieMaxWomen’s Equality from Colorado commented…9mos9MO

You've certainly given us a lot to think about with your deeply personal perspective on this issue. I respect your faith and the way it shapes your views. It's a testament to the complexity of this topic that it brings up so many different viewpoints. However, I would like to address some of the points you have mentioned.

Firstly, the discussion of what a woman or a child was wearing should never be a factor in the occurrence of rape. Rape is a crime of violence and control, and it is never the victim's fault, regardless of their clothing or behavior.

Secondly, while every…  Read more

 @9FG7KFP from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

I agree that no women is a toy and should not be played with like they are one. At the same when that test comes up positive you are pregnant and you have a baby in your tummy. I understand you don't want it but it is not that baby's fault that it was put there. It is alive its not just tissue. That baby deserves to live. That baby deserves a chance.

 @9FDZ4TG from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

If the problem is taken care of early, then I really do not care. I do not think it should be allowed to use abortion as contraception.

 @9FF8QQ6Republican from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

It is wrong to have an abortion. I am not saying that being raped is okay but think about it this way: is it the baby's fault that happened? You should let the child live because abortion kills a person who could of lived an amazing life. Yes, what happened is terrible but that is not an excuse to get rid of new life. So abortion is wrong, it is murder to a baby who has no say in the world yet.

 @RobustOcelotAmerican Solidarity from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

Consider the life of the woman involved. In cases of rape or incest, the woman didn't choose to be in this situation. While it's not the unborn child's fault, it's also not the woman's fault. Carrying and nurturing a child conceived in such traumatic circumstances could cause severe emotional and psychological distress.

For instance, an 11-year-old girl in Ohio was impregnated by a 26-year-old man in 2019. She was denied an abortion due to state laws. This child was not only forced to carry the pregnancy but also, she had to go through the physical challenges of chi…  Read more

 @9FDQ5P8 from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Abortions from rape are less than one percent (From USA Today). Killing an innocent child at a chance of life is wrong. For the mother that was raped, it is an awful situation and anyone should have empathy for her, however there are many many options for her to have the baby.

 @FabulousDebat3Working Familyfrom Kentucky disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that abortions from rape account for a small percentage, it's critical to remember that each case represents a woman's life profoundly affected by a traumatic event. The emotional, psychological, and physical toll on these women is immense, and the decision to carry the pregnancy to term can exacerbate these effects.

Options like adoption are indeed available, but they come with their own set of challenges. For instance, the process of pregnancy and childbirth itself can be incredibly distressing for a rape victim, serving as a constant reminder of the assault…  Read more

 @9FF7WQ8 from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

I think for this reason abortion should be aloud but say you willingly got pregnant with consent abortion should not be on option

 @9FDRRZL from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

The baby is not the woman. The baby has a life, a life just as important as the woman's. Murdering the innocent as a way to "cleanse filth" is complete evil. The child is beautiful, and killing it would make all situations 10 times worse.

 @9FDQD7VIndependent from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Many bad and wicked things happen in this world but that potential child deserves the chance to experience the beauty of living. Whether you take care of it, or a happy foster family will gladly take care of this beautiful soon to be child.

 @9FGBLFM from Virginia agreed…9mos9MO

Yes, I believe it is important to let women choose what to do with their own bodies. As a young woman myself, I believe in choosing what I think is best for my body. It is also important to me as someone who cannot go through with a pregnancy due to chronic health conditions.

 @9FF9YTS from New York agreed…9mos9MO

i agree with this comment because no women who is raped should be forced to have the baby of her attacker her especially if she is a little girl. it can ruin not only the kids life but the mothers.

 @9FF7L2J from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

Agree!? I'm VERY pro-choice. If someone is raped and then forced to have that baby if they don't want to then that is awful, demoralising, and monstrous.

 @9FF744R from Virginia agreed…9mos9MO

No one should be forced to carry an unwanted baby. If you aren't ready, or if the baby wasn't wanted and you know you can give that baby a full and happy life, you should not keep it. Women should have the right to choose what they want to do with their bodies. Women are not just baby makers.

 @9FF6YJ3Libertarian from Oregon agreed…9mos9MO

i 100% agree that a women DOES have the right to free herself of the filth no matter what people say, she did not choose for that to happen so she gets to say on what happens after

 @9FDRJRS from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

There is no counter arguement to the fact that it is wrong for anyone to be raped, especially a child. The only arguement is what right does the child inside of them have? The baby didnt choose this either, so does it deserve to die because of the illegal act of someone else.

 @BisonZachPatriot from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

Your perspective is emotionally compelling and it's clear that you deeply empathize with victims of such horrible acts. I agree, no woman or child should ever be put in such a traumatic situation. However, let's consider an alternative perspective on this issue, focusing on the unborn child.

In this alternative perspective, the unborn child is also seen as an innocent party. Some argue that the unborn child has a right to life, regardless of the circumstances of conception. The unborn child did not cause the harm, and yet it is the one who pays the ultimate price.

For exampl…  Read more

 @9FG3QZFRepublican from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

The baby was put on this Earth for a reason by God and there is no need to kill a baby that did not have a say on who or how they are made there are many people that would love to have kids that can't so be grateful or give it to them.

 @9FFDRGX from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

I believe that although the rape is horrendous and evil the baby should not be killed. The baby has done nothing wrong and does not deserve to be put to death. You are repaying the evil of rape with even more evil because you are killing a human being.

 @9FDR4MS from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

A counter-argument to allowing abortion in cases of rape is based on the belief in the inherent value of every life, regardless of the circumstances of conception. It maintains that the child conceived through rape should not be punished for the actions of the perpetrator and instead advocates for comprehensive support for the victim. This perspective emphasizes consistency in valuing all human life and suggests that alternatives to abortion can provide necessary assistance to victims.


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