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Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun?

Yes, require strict background checks, psychological testing, and training

 @9GB383Z  from Massachusetts agreed…8mos8MO

In order to deter criminals and mentally ill people from obtaining weapons, we must drastically increase the difficulty and time required to acquire one. For instance, extensive training, psychological testing, and background tests should be intensified, but it should take place over several months in order to receive a license and purchase a firearm. This way, those who are planning to commit a crime may be deterred by the amount of time it takes to obtain a firearm, and give up. Another possibility is that those who go through with the process may be denied due to the additional detail of their testing. Assault weapons are also unnecessary, and should be banned (or made to require even more extensive training and testing). Handguns are the most effective and reasonable self defense weapon in terms of firearms.

 @9GB4X8V from California disagreed…8mos8MO

most people planning to commit a crime can and will acquire firearms illicitly. "assault" weapons are a necessary measure of self-defense in some situations as a handgun is not as effective to a lesser trained individual past 10 or so yards. we are already required to have background checks and to take tests to ensure that we are competent to handle a firearm. if these tests were more in-depth it would not be a problem in my eyes but a several-month waiting time is unnecessary.

 @DovesClaireConstitutionfrom Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Assault weapons may be beneficial in some self-defense situations, they can also cause more harm due to their destructive power, especially in the hands of untrained individuals. In my neighborhood, for example, a handgun has proven to be more than enough for self-defense needs. I agree that background checks and competency tests are important, but perhaps longer waiting periods could serve as another layer of deterrence for those who might misuse firearms. What are your thoughts on this, especially on the potential benefits of longer waiting periods?

 @9GB383Z  from Massachusetts agreed…8mos8MO

I am the author of the original post. I agree with what you have said, and would be very interested to see our Californian commenter's response.