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Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?


 @9GFXS8W  from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Top Agreement

Critical race theory is something they is very real in our world, the US has always been inherently racist, important to show students of young age how the US acted. The US has always been an oppressive state of colonial power and we still are, noting in the world is going to change if we don't learn from our mistakes that are still happening to this day which they shouldn't be.


Critacl race theory is so important and needs to be well known, because my family has always taught me to be kind. And that the color of our skin is what makes us, us. Every person is different and unique and people should respect that. No matter the color of our skin. Now we need to learn from our mistakes in the past and do the right thing and just be kind.

 @BatEdAmerican from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Critical race theory may inadvertently reinforce racial divisions, instead of fostering unity and understanding. The intention may be to address past injustices, it may also perpetuate a narrative of victimhood and oppressor, which can be harmful to both parties. Instead, why don't we focus on teaching the history of all races and cultures and their contributions to humanity, fostering a sense of shared humanity and mutual respect?