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Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun?

No, only for criminals and the mentally ill

 @9GYPT8HDemocrat  from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

We need to add mandatory training along with strict background checks, and psychological testing. Everybody should have to take a gun safety class, not just hunters. Marijuana addiction is a question on a background check. Are most mass shooters high? Does using marijuana make a person more susceptible to commiting gun violence? I am thinking combing alcohol and meth and firearms is a bigger problem. I think this question is a leftover 90's war on drugs question.


I agree that it should be mandatory to do psychological background checks because lots of mas shooters have mental problems that lead them to commit tragedies. I don't believe that using marijuana before in your life would affect how you think unless it's in the moment of the shooter acting on his crime.

 @9GZDMBW from North Carolina commented…7mos7MO

I don't agree with strict background checks and training. Other people have guns, and their gonna get them illegally regardless of what we do to prevent it. As a human being you need a for sure way to protect your life and your dignity. People are not as civil as they may seem, people are crazy. People will try to hurt you with guns, regardless of the laws on them. Everyone should have their own. Marijuana addiction should never be a question. Marijuana have never been shown to have a direct negative affect on the body or mind. I don't think most mass shooters are high on marijuana.…  Read more