Try the political quiz

What is your stance on abortion?

Pro-life, but allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child

 @9CKPDTW  from PR agreed…7mos7MO

In the case of rape and danger to the mother the child is very likely to have a bad life and it will be a significant scar for the mother who had to endure a rape incident or is very likely to die from having the child. I the danger is to the child then it would just be mercy to stop its development before it can develop neurons and feel the pain of death. Lastly, in the case of incest, the child and the mother will be gravely affected socially and physically by the mother's decision of committing incest and the child's possibility of developing life-threatening and chronic illnesses that no human should have to deal with.

 @9JT37HLRepublican from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

 @9CKPDTW from PR agreed…3mos3MO

True but some people will sin regardless, so we can save the baby (or if any of the cases apply then do the procedure) while they repent for their actions.