Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



How can we as a society work towards eliminating the stigma around men showing affection or expressing emotions?

 @9HXCHVC from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

As a society i think we already doing better and ending the stigma around men showing emotions, i think if we stay the way we are, in the future there will be no stigma around it

 @9HYHG4P from Maryland agreed…5mos5MO

We are doing better, and in the future the stigma will certainly be gone or lessened. However, we can expedite that process by eliminating toxic masculinity—which harms both women and men in different ways—faster. There is no reason to simply wait with the progress we have already made, thus the answer should express that we should still work increasingly to make more progress on the issue.