Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



Would you be at ease with the notion that the natural beauty you enjoy may not be around for your children to see?

 @9LG346B from Maine answered…2mos2MO

The only thing that could prevent my children from experiencing the natural beauty I experience today is nuclear war.

 @9LG4SPR from Minnesota disagreed…2mos2MO

Going to school in a pandemic/ mental health crisis, where the government is killing its own citizens, and I can't seem to lose more rights until I do, seems to me is stopping my experience of natural beauty.

 @9LG346B from Maine disagreed…2mos2MO

Then move to another state like Florida or Texas. It's the United States of America, not the United State of America.

Also, covid is over now, the mental health crisis is because of stupid reasons and you should find something you like in life and do that instead of relying on the government to make you happy.

Our ancestors used to hunt the mammoth using stone spears and spare humans, so channel some of that energy instead of complaining about modern issues.