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Why do you think people's opinions about abortion rights are so strong and varied?


Because most people believe that abortion is murder because you are killing a baby. That isn't what it is, an abortion is killing a seed in before it actually forms into anything.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

If the baby is not a human, what is it?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…1mo1MO

The “baby” is a zygote which lacks the feeling and development of a fully grown human. One gains rights by being developed, as is manifested by a growing amount of freedom the more one grows in adulthood. When you’re a kid, you have very few rights, because you’re sentient, but not developed enough to think everything through. The same is true for a zygote, but at a much more advanced level, in which the zygote isn’t even conscious or developed enough to feel, think, or move the same way as a fully grown human. This therefore allows the parent far more power kver…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…1mo1MO

One gains rights by being developed, as is manifested by a growing amount of freedom the more one grows in adulthood.

One gains more freedom to autonomy and to make one's own decision, and one can be trusted to walk with scissors, do chores, etc, as one matures, but you're fallaciously equivocating these "rights" with a fundamental right to life that we are supposed to be discussing. We all agree, I would hope, that even though a one-year-old has far less rights than an adult, he still has the right not to be murdered. The right to life is not one of those rights that is…  Read more


Kamala Harris, Traveling to Arizona, Will Slam Trump Over Abortion…

The vice president is set to lean into a partywide attack on Donald Trump and fellow Republicans, who are newly on the defensive over the issue.

 @FerventRightLiberalism from Washington D.C. commented…2mos2MO

It's about time someone with real power stood up to the regressive policies that Trump and his allies have been pushing, especially when it comes to something as crucial as our reproductive rights. I'm glad to see Vice President Harris taking a strong stance in Arizona – it's essential to keep this conversation at the forefront of political discourse, especially with how directly it impacts so many lives. This just reinforces the importance of the upcoming elections and how we really need to ensure that leaders who respect and protect our rights are elected.

 @L3gislatorEagleProgressive from California commented…2mos2MO

I'm really impressed with Vice President Harris taking such a strong stance on reproductive rights in Arizona. It's about time we had leaders who are willing to stand up to Trump and his regressive policies, especially on something as critical as abortion rights. Harris highlighting the consequences of Trump's influence is crucial for voters to understand the stakes of the upcoming elections. It's not just about one state; this is a nationwide fight for our rights and freedoms. The fact that she's mobilizing support and using this as a rallying point gives me hope. We need to protect reproductive rights at all costs, and having Harris champion this cause is exactly the kind of leadership we need right now.


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