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Iran launches missile and armed drone attack on Israel

 @SelfishF4irTradeDemocrat from Florida commented…2mos2MO

Here is what to expect. So far, the attack has featured cruise missiles and drones. The drones appear to be Shahed 131 and 136.

It will take the drones about 9 hours to reach Israel. They are dealt with through Patriot (50% kill rate) and Sling of David (90% rate).

It takes cruise missiles 2 hours to reach Israel. They are countered by through Sling of David (90-95% kill rate) and Iron Dome (80-90% kill rate).

There are reports of ballistic missiles. However, they have no been confirmed. They take 1) 12 minutes to arrive. Arrow 3 is set up against it, which the IDF claims has a kill ratio of 99%.

 @LeftistBellaLibertarian from Michigan agreed…2mos2MO

 @9LJL3Y3Independent  from Michigan commented…2mos2MO