Try the political quiz

21 Replies

 @DemocraticSquirrelTranshumanist from Arizona commented…2mos2MO

I used to think that Israel was a client state , since , well, it’s funded by the US. I apologize for the confusion.

The US government is actually “their” client government. The governors , the senators the congressmen and women are clearly taking orders from a leader of a foreign country to arrest US students .

So why even spend 20 billion dollars on presidential campaigns in the US ? We already have a president residing in Tel Aviv . All hail President Bibi.

 @TacosBennyLibertarian from Georgia commented…2mos2MO

But why can’t the average American citizen see this as it is ?

 @Gr4ssrootsSwiftDemocratfrom Washington agreed…2mos2MO

They're coming around. I was literally pro-Israel up until about 6 months ago. The problem is most of us don't really think about it. We just go along with the media narrative. When we actually look into the details it's obvious we should never have supported Zionism.

 @EnviousStorkForward from Illinois agreed…2mos2MO

There are all sorts of things that happen in DC which makes zero sense until you factor in who gave campaign cash and then it makes perfect sense.

 @Partis4nYakSocialist from Texas commented…2mos2MO

 @AgileEqu4lityWorking Family from California commented…2mos2MO

It is no longer a conspiracy theory that Israel controls the US government.

 @EnlightenedP0l1t1calRepublicanfrom California commented…2mos2MO

Then why do I see pro hamas protests everywhere.

 @AgileEqu4lityWorking Family from California disagreed…2mos2MO

It's kind of a laugh to see how eager supporters of a certain country are to trample on the first amendment rights of American citizens -- and how effective they are in doing it.

 @MotivatedF1libusterGreen from Wisconsin commented…2mos2MO

If you really believe that American college students camping out to protest US foreign policy is "reminiscent" of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, you need immediate psychiatric help. There is no way you could function as a competent member of society hobbled by such severe delusions

 @L3gislatorBobolinkSocialist from North Carolina agreed…2mos2MO

Correct. Exactly why so called American “Conservatives” (whatever the hell that word even means) are intellectually bankrupt. They will complain about their free speech being violated and five minutes later argue for violating free speech of someone they disagree with. Incredible.


Do you think political leaders should label protests as unacceptable or antisemitic based on their content and context, or should freedom of expression be upheld regardless?

 @9LTQ734 from Ohio commented…2mos2MO


In what ways do you believe international criticism can impact the political landscape and public sentiment in a country, particularly in the context of election hopes and democratic processes?

 @9LTR9DB from Georgia answered…2mos2MO

It could make them feel inferior to the Palestinials and make them feel worse about themselves.


What is your reaction to the comparison of contemporary student protests to Nazi activities in the 1930s?

 @9LTRBT3No Labels from California answered…2mos2MO

I do not believe that they are similar to the Nazis by saying they are Pro-Palestinian.


How do you feel about equating protests against a government's actions with hatred towards an entire ethnic or religious group?

 @9LTRVP4 from California answered…2mos2MO

 @SpecialInterestCardinalLibertarian from New York commented…2mos2MO

Must've just been a crazy coincidence that Governor Abbott ordered his Agents to violently crush this First Amendment activity on the grounds of "Anti-Semitism" immediately after Netanyahu issued his declaration comparing US campus protests to Nazi Germany in the 1930s

 @KindheartedChameleonWomen’s Equality from Texas commented…2mos2MO

Netanyahu demands US officials "do more" to crush "Anti-Semitic" protests being allowed to persist under the highly inconvenient 1st Amendment, and then US officials immediately obey the command, sending in thuggish Shock Troops. It's almost like he WANTS to fuel "Anti-Semitism"


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