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Israel Sends Delegation to Cairo for Gaza Cease-Fire Talks


Do you think a cease-fire can bring lasting peace, or is it just a temporary pause in the cycle of violence?

 @9LYVCHVRepublican from Minnesota answered…1mo1MO

No Israel is probably going to break the cease fire also they are committing war crimes as well as humanitarian crimes and they have no punishment for there terrible actions

 @9LZD6KV from Oklahoma agreed…1mo1MO

The framing of this question is awkward, but I assume saying agree means I believe it is a temporary pause. Iseral has been at war in an unofficial capacity with its surrounding "adversaries" for the last 30 or so years. They are the aggressors, claiming terrorists are the reason for attacking their neighbors. This argument is the same Putin used to invade Russia as the aggressor. Not only will a cease fire not work, as it has never worked between Israel and its adversaries but believing it could feasibly have any affect is naive and childish. America should not be sending aide…  Read more