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 @9N2FJTH from Texas answered…6 days6D

Yes, but only when it comes to that data being used by foreign entities or in a way that violates individual rights.

 @9N2CM2T from North Carolina answered…6 days6D

Yes, and they should revise the way a privacy policy is written to the point is easily understandable and can be read in a short amount of time.

 @9MV2QCD from Pennsylvania answered…1wk1W

Well we do want to keep the population safe from billionaire predators violating their privacy and then selling it to no good sources and other predators the government shouldn't be trusted to look at data either.

 @9MNPT3D from Minnesota answered…2wks2W

If its not something you are mandated to use then no, the person themselves choose to use it despite the risks.

 @9MNJ8V5 from California answered…2wks2W

They should be required to maintain all data and turn it over when law enforcement requires it.

 @9MNF3R3 from New York answered…2wks2W

Yes, they should be required to ask permission before doing it. If the person says no they should ntot be allowed to collect any information without their permission.

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